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Previous 2024 Program



The dissection workshop focuses on anatomic and surgical pearls of core aesthetic surgical procedures such as upper and lower blepharoplasty, Asian blepharoplasty, forehead lift, mid face lift, and canthoplasty options. The various procedures will be reviewed in step-by-step fashion, utilizing a detailed dissection manual, bullet point surgical videos, and prosections by faculty experts. A limited enrollment will promote close interaction between participants and faculty so that each participant can perform the procedures on cadavers, with faculty guidance.


Due to popular demand, we have once again added a live audio visual feed of the aesthetics dissection course. The course directors, faculty, and guest faculty are “miked up” and seen in high definition performing the dissections from our Friday dissection course in our audio visual suite. The live audio visual suite also receives all the live lectures given in the laboratory. A faculty monitor will be present at all times in the audio visual suite to relate your questions to the “miked up” faculty. Then the same faculty will also come to the audio visual suite to lead further discussion. Both the faculty and the attendees have raved about this experience.

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7:00      Registration and Breakfast 

7:55      Laboratory Course Introduction – Robert A. Goldberg, MD, Daniel Rootman, MD, Steven Leibowitz, MD, Justin N                Karlin MD and Kelsey A Roelofs, MD 



8:05      Upper and lower eyelid anatomy – Daniel B Rootman MD and Maria Quintero, MD


Upper Blepharoplasty

8:20      Upper Blepharoplasty Anatomy and Incision Design  - Naresh Joshi MD 

8:40      Hands-On Cadaver Lab: Upper Blepharoplasty 



9:20      Ptosis Videos and UCLA clamp – Robert Goldberg, MD Justin Karlin, MD and Katie Lucarelli, MD

9:30      Hands-On Cadaver Lab: Anterior and Posterior Approach Ptosis


Lower Blepharoplasty

9:50      Fat pads in 3 dimensions – Robert Goldberg MD

9:55      Lower Blepharoplasty: Reduction and repositioning – Kelsey Roelofs, MD 

10:00    Hands-On Cadaver Lab: Lower Blepharoplasty with Variations 



11:10    Canthal Anatomy/Small Incision Canthoplasty Video – Robert A Goldberg MD and Katherine Lucarelli MD

11:20    Hands-On Cadaver Lab: Small Incision Canthoplasty


12:00    Lunch


Forehead and Mid-Face Lift

1:00      Upper and Midface Lift Anatomy/Video – Jonathan Hoenig MD and Connie Sears MD

1:10      Hands-On Cadaver Lab: Endoscopic Upper and Midface Surgery, Direct Eyebrow Approaches


Fat Transfer

2:00      Harvesting, processing, and injection techniques – David Isaacs, MD and Maria Quintero MD

2:10      Hands-On Cadaver Lab: Fat transfer


Suture Lifts

2:40      Techniques for Suture Lifting with Video – Kian Karimi MD

2:50      Hands-On Cadaver Lab: Suture lifts – Kian Karimi MD


Special Procedures – break out tables

3:40 – 4:30

Medial Canthoplasty & Epicanthoplasty              Daniel Rootman MD

Suture lifts                                                        Kian Karimi MD

Earlobe reduction                                              Kelsey Roelofs MD

Facial filler injection                                           Robert Goldberg MD

Cheiloplasty                                                      Katie Lucarelli MD


4:30      Adjourn





The second day of the course will be didactic, covering the nuances of technique that are critical for achieving the elegant results demanded by today’s sophisticated patients. This course brings together innovative experts in aesthetic oculoplastic surgery to share their experiences, techniques, and pearls.

A range of talks will be given covering blepharoplasty, aesthetic ptosis surgery, fat transfer, skin treatments and injectables. Course participants unable to attend the first day of the course are welcome for the second day.


7:30      Registration and Breakfast 

8:00      Introduction – Robert A Goldberg, MD 

8:05      Individualized assessment and planning for aesthetic rejuvenation – Robert A. Goldberg, MD


Upper Blepharoplasty and Ptosis

8:30      My Secrets to Success in Upper Blepharoplasty: Patient Selection and Surgical Planning – 

Rona Silkiss, MD 

8:40      Local anesthesia and minimal cautery for office-based blepharoplasty – Robert A Goldberg, MD 

8:50      Cosmetic Ptosis Surgery: control of symmetry, TPS and contour – Daniel Rootman, MD  

9:20      Building an aesthetic practice – Deepak Ramesh, MD

9:35      Top tips for achieving the best upper blepharoplasty outcomes – Naresh Joshi MD

9:45      Sub eyebrow blepharoplasty with dermal stacking – Robert Goldberg, MD

10:00    Questions and Answers 


10:10    Coffee Break and Exhibits


Lower Blepharoplasty and Mid-face Rejuvenation

10:30    Best surgical techniques from 30 years of lower blepharoplasty – Michael J. Groth, MD

10:40    The Unhappy Post-blepharoplasty patient – Robert A. Goldberg, MD

10:50    Pearls for periorbital fat transfer – Kelsey A Roelofs, MD

11:00    Facial implants – optimizing patient selection and outcomes - Simon Madorsky, MD

11:10    Special considerations for lower eyelid & mid-face rejuvenation in patients with prominent globe morphology – Raymond Douglas, MD, PhD

11:20    My approach to mid-face rejuvenation with filler: Rebecca Fitzgerald, MD

11:30    Conservative management of mild lower eyelid malposition following blepharoplasty – Robert A. Goldberg, MD   

11:40    Questions and Answers 


11:45    Introduction of the Norman Shorr Lecturer – Robert A. Goldberg, MD

11:50    Norman Shorr Lecture – Jocelyn Kohn, MD


12:20    Lunch 


Skin Treatments and Injectables

1:00      Filler complications – etiology and management - Daniel Rootman MD

1:20      Filler related periorbital edmea – mechanisms and treatment options – Kami Parsa MD

1:30      Facial shape, size and gender  – Val Lambros, MD, FACS

1:45      Adjunctive procedures to enhance your blepharoplasty results – Justin Karlin, MD

1:55      Microdroplet botulinum toxin techniques – Kenneth Steinsapir MD


Panfacial Considerations for Harmonious Rejuvenation

2:05      Clinical photography and videography – Timothy Zoltie BA, PGC

2:15      Update on dermatologic treatment of periorbital aging skin – Jenny Kim, MD

2:25      What role do threads play in my practice?  – Kian Karimi, MD

2:35      Facial rejuvenation update – what’s new in my practice in 2024 – Jason Roostaeian MD

2:45      Questions and Answers


2:50      Coffee Break 


Cosmetic Consultations

3:15      Live: Botulinum Toxin, Fillers and threads

Live demonstrations of injection techniques and thread lifts, with video feed and commentary

Moderator: Jocelyn Kohn, MD

Faculty: Robert A. Goldberg, MD, Kian Karimi MD, Rona Silkiss, MD, Christopher Lo, MD and Kelsey A. Roelofs MD


4:15      M & M from Fellows Conference: The Worst Complications of the Year and How They Were Managed – Katherine Lucarelli, MD, Angela Oh, MD and Maria Quintero, MD


Faculty Comments and Pearls for Managing Complications – Daniel B Rootman, MD, Robert A Goldberg, MD and Justin Karlin MD


4:45      Final Questions and Answers

5:00      Adjourn

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